Girls Dress Up Play Clothes – Outfit Ideas Other Than Princess

Girl Super-Hero CostumesThere are endless ways that girls can use that boundless imagination of theirs, and dressing up is one very enjoyable one. That being said, sometimes the dress up box gets kind of “old”, as in, they need something new… new girls dress up play clothes to stimulate more imaginative play.

And well, for some of our little girls, playing Princess can only be done for so long. (And some aren’t interested in that, from the get-go…).

So. What other dress up ideas can we suggest for our girls to get them creatively playing dress up for hours on end?

Here are 8 fun outfit ideas, other than Princess to liven things up.

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1. Superhero!  Who says only boys can wear a cape and fly around saving the world?? Set up a scene with some stuffed animals needing saving, help her don a cape and mask, and let her go!  See Superhero Costumes For Girls for some popular dress up outfits.

2. Chef.  Many little girls have some type of kitchen play set with dishes, but to stimulate a deeper level of play, dress up your little girl in your kitchen apron. Chef’s hats are fun, but most little girls have probably never seen one in real use… the apron, more likely.  Tie it on, tuck it up and under so she’s not tripping, and you have a little mini chef!  (Bonus fun? Let her play with your plastic bowls, measuring cups, ladles, cookie sheets, etc.)

3. Butterfly.  If your little girl loves looking “pretty”, dressing up like a butterfly may be just the thing for her.  You can find cheap wings at a dollar store nearby, Butterfly Dress Up Clothesor if you’re crafty, make some! (I’m NOT crafty… I did the dollar store route LOL. Gauzy and green… they double for fairy wings 😉 ).  Add a hairband with some pipe-cleaner antennae and you’re all set!  Amazon has some great options too.

4. Librarian. Funny thing is, when you think of a librarian costume, you don’t picture a modern-day librarian, do you? That’s ok. Have some fun making a more “bookish” or “studious” looking little lady (we’ll steer clear of “nerdy” or “spinster” type talk, right?), with a wrap-around skirt (use a small, darker-coloured blanket and a belt/tie), collared shirt, bun in hair, glasses (empty frames from your old pair?), and a name tag.  And then pull out some stuffed animals or dolls, and a stack of books and let her play! 🙂

5. Cowgirl. Raid the closet for rain-boots, add a thrift store or dollar store cowgirl hat & vest, tie a bandana around her neck, and have your little girl dig through her brother’s toy bin for a lasso and gun holster. Little girls can have lots of fun rounding ’em up too!

Fisher Price Medical Kit
Fisher Price Medical Kit

6. Doctor/Vet.  If you have a white collared shirt, it makes a perfect doctor’s lab coat. If you don’t, hit up a thrift store for a cheap option! Some glasses frames may help her get more in character (there’s something about wearing pretend glasses that make little girls feel older). And of course, a play doctor’s kit, like the Fisher Price Medical Kit, is a must. And SUCH a good investment as far as pretend play toys go!

7. Clown. This one can be so much fun if you get your little girl thinking about clowns beyond face-paint! A clown outfit is simply FUNNY. Pair odd items together. Mix and match a small shoe with a big boot. A princess dress with a cowgirl hat and doctor’s coat. Clown outfits are meant to make you giggle… so if it that’s happening, you’ve got a new outfit! 🙂  (Check out the Clown Wig on this page about Dress Up Wigs for Girls… so cute!)

8. PAW Patrol Dress Up! PAW Patrol is an insanely popular kids show these days – probably even Princess lovers love it. An adorable Everest or Skye dress up costume could potentially be a HUGE hit! My 3.5 year old sets up scenarios for rescues, performs them with style, and generally has a great time playing PAW Patrol – yours might too!

And there you have it, my friends! 8 Fun new girls dress up play clothes ideas… other than Princess gowns! What would YOU like to add? Please drop me a note below in the comments! We moms of little girls need to help each other out, right? 🙂

Here are a few other related pages you might find helpful if you’d like some more ideas!



4 thoughts on “Girls Dress Up Play Clothes – Outfit Ideas Other Than Princess

  1. helen vella August 31, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    Great idea, better than always being a princess 🙂 Love your post, thanks for sharing.

    • Marlaine September 10, 2016 at 8:44 pm

      Thanks Helen! Princess is fun, but yeah, there IS more to dress up! 🙂

  2. Jennie March 19, 2017 at 6:25 pm

    Thanks for the great suggestions! My little girl is one of those who always wants to be a princess character or sometimes supergirl! But I will be encouraging some of your ideas to see if she wants to try them out! I think she might love being a chef or a doctor!

    • Marlaine March 20, 2017 at 6:22 pm

      It’s amazing, isn’t it, how Princess seems to win the dress up wars so often… I get it, but I still love encouraging my daughter to play other creative roles! Her favorite is doctor lately – I love it! 🙂

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