12 Dress Up Wigs Little Girls Will Really Want In Their Dress Up Collection
Let’s talk wigs for a few minutes today. Dress up wigs little girls will love playing with. Dress up wigs little girls will get REALLY excited about having in their dress up collection!
There’s something so character-altering about putting on a wig, isn’t there? Have you ever tried it? One that was sized right for your head and felt good on you? It’s QUITE the strange but interesting feeling when you look into the mirror and see that person who looks like you… but doesn’t all at.
Kids love that feeling too. Adding a wig to their costume is the final, amazing part to their transformation… changing them from head to toe.
Here are 12 really cool dress up wigs little girls, in particular, will love. Don’t worry, they aren’t ALL Disney Princesses. 🙂
NOTE: At the time when I wrote this post, all of the wigs were priced at under $20… most around $10! I didn’t write each wig’s price here though, as they tend to fluctuate with sales and I don’t check them daily to revise. 😉
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This Crystal Princess Wig is worth melting for… 😉 Your little girl will get a LOT of use out of this regal beauty!
Elsa (of course), other Storybook, Disney, or Historical Princesses, Super-heroines, Barbie, Winter Wonderland Fairy, Middle-Earth Elves, Norwegian/Scandinavian costumes… this is one versatile wig! Smooth, Silky, Synthetic… and Elegant.
Is your little girl ready to hop on her magic carpet, play with her big Tiger pet, and make friends with a genie? Does she already love her Princess Jasmine outfit? If so, she’s going to LOVE this beautiful Jasmine wig.
Like Jasmine’s look in Disney’s “Aladdin”, this wig is designed with jet-black (synthetic) hair parted in the center, tied back with multiple sparkling teal blue hair elastics, and has a jewelled headband built into it. Wearing it, she’ll feel like a real Arabian princess!

THIS is the wig for your little girl if she’s into mermaids… a certain Princess Ariel mermaid in particular. It can also be used for a Scottish/Irish Princess outfit, a Super-Heroine get-up, Fire Fairy dress up fun, and more.
It’s bright, it’s feisty, and it’s fabulous! The shiny and flowing bright red locks (synthetic hair) will make your little girl feel simply beautiful.

If your daughter is in love with Tangled, she’ll just adore this Rapunzel wig… straight from the “visiting the town” scene where the little girls braid Rapunzel’s hair with the flowers and ribbons… isn’t it just BEAUTIFUL? I love it! 🙂
With the intricately woven braid pulled to the side, its shiny golden blonde (synthetic) hair, it’s one wig that you certainly won’t regret purchasing. It can also be used as a wig for dress up as a Renaissance maiden, fantasy fairy, or other fairytale princess. Your little girl will get a LOT of enjoyment out of it!

Wild, unkempt, curly… fun, impetuous, confident! A girl wearing a Brave’s Forest Princess Merida’s wig will no doubt have a blast acting out all of these character traits!
This bright and bold orange-red mid-length (synthetic) wig will be perfect for dress up fun pretending to be Merida OR any other Scottish/Irish princess or character.
It would be the perfect “utterly transforming look” for many of our little girls, wouldn’t it?
Queen Elsa’s sister, the brave and adventurous Princess Anna of Arendelle has quickly become one of the most beloved princesses in the Disney franchise. If you have a little girl who is obsessed with Frozen, you’ll know what I mean when I say that these girls (Elsa and Anna) possess some sort of magnetic pull for our daughters.
This wig is PURE Anna. Lovely strawberry blonde with the white streak, side braids, pink ribbons… it’ll be the perfect finishing touch to her Anna costume! (Don’t you love how almost GIDDY the model is that she gets to really be Anna in it? So cute!)

Have you had a movie night with your child watching the classic “The Wizard of Oz” yet? This Dorothy wig will make your little girl look just like Dorothy as she sets off on a grand adventure in a strange, strange land!
This simple style of center part, side braids, blue bows is a perfect wig also for country-bumpkin outfits, pioneer costumes, book character days, etc. She’ll get lots of use out if it!
Any Dora fans in the house? The little girl wearing this Dora the Explorer wig here MUST be a huge one… that smile in her eyes, let alone on her face gives it away. (Isn’t she ADORABLE??)
This would be a seriously easy Halloween or dress up play costume, Moms… this wig, some jeans, a pink t-shirt, and a backpack and your own little Explorer is ready to go off on her own adventures!

Whether she’s studying Ancient Egypt in school or simply has an interest in dressing up and playing the characters of famous women of the past, this beautiful Queen of the Nile Wig would be perfect for any Cleopatra or Nefertiti (or any Egyptian woman) costume.
With medium length jet black hair, thick bangs, and little braids tied off with gold elastics, this costume wig will be a fun one to play with, as it will dramatically enhance any Egyptian costume! She’ll be “the Pride of Egypt”!
This is a pretty popular AND FUN wig to have in your child’s dress up box. Goofing around dressed up as a clown is simply fun! It is also good for confidence building, enhances creativity, and brings out the “silly” in everyone.
This particular wig has stripes of 6 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple synthetic hair sections within a curly afro of tight ringlet curls. It’ll be a comfortable fit with the inner mesh netting with elastic lining.

Is your daughter learning about the Native Americans at school and having a dress up day? Or does she have a Disney’s Pocahontas costume that needs the perfect finishing touch?
This authentic-looking Indian Child Princess wig with it’s long, straight jet-black hair and printed headband will help her achieve the look she’s going for! (Check out THIS POST for a cute Indian dress!)

Bring out the Super-Hero in your little girl in this black-haired (synthetic) wig inspired by Wonder Woman in the Dawn of Justice film.
Really though, it’d be great as a wig for any super-heroine, with its beautiful loose curls and headband!
(Personally, I think this wig is gorgeous for other uses too… think dark-haired princess!!)
Haven’t found “just the right one“? There are MANY more wigs sized and styled just for kids in the KIDS WIG CATEGORY at CostumeCraze.com! Check it out!
If you’re with me still, I’d love to hear from you about these wigs and kids wigs in general! Do you agree these are dress up wigs little girls will have fun playing with? Does your little girl enjoy wearing wigs in her dress up play?
AND… which one would be YOUR choice if they fit YOU? Mine would be the Ariel wig, I think… I’d love to have luscious and fiery red hair like that for a day or two… I wonder what my husband would think?! 😉 How about you? 🙂
Cute post!I have 2 little girls who love to play dress up so this is great. I love that you include a cute picture with each one, a description and a link for ordering info. My girls love Doc McStuffins and Sophia, will you be adding more? Perfect for Halloween coming up!
Wow… sounds like our girls would get along. Doc McStuffins and Princess Sofia are all over our house… my 3 year old loves them. 😉
I did some digging and I did find a cute Sofia wig on Amazon.com — CLICK HERE to see it. I had a tougher time with Doc McStuffins, sorry… no luck!
Great site. Love the dress up wigs characters for the little girls.
Thanks Kerone! 🙂 Don’t you wish sometimes that it would be socially acceptable for us adult women to play dress up with wigs too? 😉 I sure do LOL.
I could really see my cousin Kaia in these wigs! She’s a natural at acting and so cute that she suits everything! I’ll have to share this with her parents because a bet they’d want to get some of them for her 🙂
Hi Emma,
Thanks for dropping by! Aren’t the wigs adorable!? Thanks for passing on the link to Kaia’s parents!
I love the concept of your site! I have two little girls and love to shop for them. I love the costumes you have assembled here. The colors are bright and add engaging and everything is spaced nicely! Adorable site!
Thank you so much, Billie! 🙂 Isn’t shopping for our daughters just the BEST? There are so many ADORABLE items out there that I think I could absolutely blow the budget in under an hour LOL.
I notice you have a website called All About Baby Girl – I’ll have to check it out! All the best!
These are super cute! And the post is so timely as we’re quickly approaching Halloween! I have little boys who aren’t really interested in dressing up – they are all about trucks and footballs, but I’ll be mentioning your post to some friends with little girls. Thanks for the article!
Thank you Teresa! Glad you enjoyed these. I had fun hunting them down.
I have done several pages on dress up specifically tailored to little boys too – I wonder if your sons might have fun with more “boyish” costumes? Here’s a post I wrote about called “Boys Dress Up – Because Role Play Fun Isn’t Just For Girls!” I hope you’ll check it out. 🙂
Have a lovely day!
Very cute and pretty wigs for little girls. I think this is a great way for little girls to show their creativity. Keep up the nice work. I’ll suggest your website to some friends.
Truly amazing
Wigs are SO much fun, aren’t they? I love how they transform a look so completely!
Thanks for your kind words. Have a lovely day!
These are really cute, and the Dora one is adorable! But where is my Cinderella? Sorry, grew up on Cinderella and know the movie word by word haha. Bought the movie for myself, and I have no kids. But I have nieces and nephews who I think would love these wigs.
I have to laugh at your “word for word” comment… I can do totally that with Aladdin!! 🙂 The original/early movies were so great, weren’t they?? Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, etc. Did you like the latest Cinderella remake?
I love playing dress up with my niece! And when I was teaching Pre-K, the dress up center was my favorite center. Playing dress-up brings out a lot of creativity, and it stimulates vocabulary and builds social interactions. Great article! I certainly have a lot to choose from! My favorite wig on this page was Wonder Woman. I love the curls!
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for commenting! No doubt you had a lot of fun teaching Pre-K! Kids that age are so imaginative and free-thinking – dress up play is fantastic at that age!
Yes, I agree – the Wonder Woman curls are stunning! 🙂
My falling in love with your reviews. Well done. And a really good job you have done here!
In fact as I was going through your reviews, I was giggling and was wondering also if the costume was for me or my kids 🙂
I usually watch cartoons whenever I have the time with my kids. Seeing Anna and Elsa cartoon made me fall in love with them. So I know for sure that my kids will love that Wig and Ariel. they will have a swell time playing in that.
So I opt for Anna and Elsa Wig. 🙂 My hubby will also love it.
Thanks for the good Job here.
Thanks Anu! I believe I know what you mean with “are they for me or for the kids” comment! 🙂 I may just have to pick up some fancy adult wigs and have some fun myself… my daughter would get a kick out of it! My husband may raise his eyebrows and laugh though LOL.
Have a lovely day, and thanks for commenting!
Hey Marlaine,
I love this post, You actually gave a brilliant birthday gift for me to get for my niece! I grew up watching Disney animations and their stories relate to me.
I just need to figure out on whether to buy her a Jasmine set, Ariel stet, or Elsa since she’s all the rage since last year. Rapunzel’s good too but shouldn’t the hair be a bit longer?
Hi Riaz,
Glad you enjoyed the read, and thanks for commenting! I agree there are some fun wigs here – and for a pretty sweet price too!
Regarding your comment about the Rapunzel wig, have you watched Tangled? (Your niece likely has. 🙂 ) There’s a scene where Rapunzel and Eugene go into town and there are some young girls who braid up her crazy long hair to a length about like that on the wig and add flowers and ribbons… this wig I believe is supposed to look like her hair in that scene. Pretty, I think!
Little girls will love these wigs year round while playing dress up. I think my favorite one is the Jasmine wig but scrolling down I laughed when I saw the Dora wig. I haven’t really seen any little girls dressing up as Dora around here but I think it would be a great Halloween costume!
Hi Jen,
I’m not sure Dora is a big hit anymore, to be honest… my own daughter isn’t a fan, at least. But maybe it’s because we’re Canadian and Spanish is just a foreign language to her? And well, PAW Patrol is the be-all and the end-all here. Dora can’t compete. 😉
I had to include the Dora wig when I saw it though… you’re so right that it’s absolutely adorable.
I appreciate your taking the time to comment!
I have two children, 3 and 6 years old, both go to kindergarten. Now is the time of masks and carnival. Every Friday they have a carnival ball in kindergarten. They love to dress and mask. My daughter favorite mask is Elsa and her wig. Boys do not like to wear wigs a lot. but girls just love it, as longer is the wig, it is better.
I would LOVE to see all of those youngsters in their masks, wigs, and fancy hats! That would be so much fun… every Friday? Lucky kids! 🙂
I agree that wigs are way bigger of a hit for girls than for boys. I think even us older women secretly would love to wear one on occasion! Perhaps that’s why we dye our hair and restyle it so much!
The longest wig here is the fancy Rapunzel wig – I’m sure it would be a fun one to wear!
I love the Wonder woman wig. Even though I have 2 kids (3 and 6), they don’t like to dress up. Last year on Halloween, one even refused to wear a costume.
So, at some point I just stopped buying costumes for them.
Is there something I can do to get them interested and excited about costumes? In the past I have let them choose what they wanted to wear.
Hi Udoh,
Thanks for commenting. You raise a great point about how not all kids love dressing up. It’s true. Some just don’t love the idea of costumes (even a wee bit afraid, perhaps, of things that are make-believe). I love dress up play (obviously… this site speaks to that), so I make sure we have a lot of fun costumes and accessories available, but my own kids do go through stages where they ignore it all and just “don’t want to dress up” when I suggest it as something to play.
What I find works well for my own kids is for me to just let it be for a week or so, and then one day just get down there on the floor with them and start digging through the dress up trunk. We have some scarves and hats that I can use to dress myself up, and things like doctor kits and what not, so there are several “games” I can do with them even without getting fully into a costume. And nearly every time, once MOMMY is playing, they are ALL IN again. (And are arguing over favorites and wanting to try on everything at once.) Maybe that will work for your kiddos?
What a great idea!!!!!! To be totally honest……. I want just about every single one of those wigs…… FOR MYSELF!!!!!!!! I would absolutely LOVE to have those!!!!!! Too cute!!!!! Great post!!!!!! I’m going to go buy a lot of those in adult size now lol 🙂 makes me really wish I had a little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don’t know if my son would even wear a wig. Do they have fun boy wigs like that too?
I’m so with you on the wanting the wigs for yourself too LOL – I love those red Ariel curls! 🙂
I can’t say as I’ve come across too many great boys wigs, to be honest. Most are creepy mask types or zombie wigs, but you can find a few clown wigs or colonial wigs or similar that are gender neutral at the very least!
Thanks for commenting, and have a lovely day!