12 Fun Dressing Up Games for Girls Who Love Fashion

Princess Dress Up ClothesThere are so many different and amazing dressing up games for girls who love fashion. And I’m not talking about the ipad or computer screen variety. I’m talking about getting active and PLAYING dressing up games or activities that get the imagination flowing and giggles erupting.

Girls who love fashion will be drawn to these games, I think… they can be creative and express themselves in so many ways! Let’s dig right in to 12 different dressing up games for girls who love fashion.

1. Fashion Show

Chinese DressThis is a fun game for a group of girls to play when they have a more extensive girls dress up collection. Encourage them to spend some time selecting two or three perfect outfits each, including accessories. Tell them they need to practice changing quickly, doing their best catwalk and spin, showing off their great outfits. They can also practice describing to the audience (you?) what each other is wearing.  This game encourages planning, poise, and making a smooth presentation!

2. “Top 3 Outfits”

If your girl is playing solo today, playing “Show Me Your Top 3 Outfits” can be a good way to spend some time. You can spin this different ways: Show me your top 3 outfits if you were going to a Royal Ball. Show me your top 3 outfits if you were going to a party at ___’s (favorite actress?) house. Show me your top 3 FUNNIEST outfits. Top 3 STRANGEST outfits. Top 3 STYLISH oufits. Etc.  Some girls will get right into this just for the fun of picking out great outfits, while others might need some incentive – like, I’ll be photographing/scoring you on it.

3. Photo Op

Kids love to be photographed wearing fun and pretty costumes! Take lots of pics of your kids at play.Girls who love fashion often also love to be photographed in great dressing up outfits! If your girl loves dressing up, get your camera out and make some memories with her that she’ll enjoy looking back on in years to come.


4. Who Am I?

Playing dress up games like "Who Am I?" are a lot of fun! Check out lots of dress up game ideas at www.kidslovedressup.comFashion often is rather memorable for certain characters… meaning, you can tell who a character is by the way they dress. By their costume. Turn it into a game by playing “Who Am I?” This is a good one for younger girls who have a fairly decent collection of girls dress up clothes, like Disney Princess Gowns, or Superhero costumes for girls, or even PAW Patrol Costumes or Alice In Wonderland Costumes… anything really that is a dress up outfit from a recognizable character.  Kids love to have an adult guess who they are pretending to be! Play along and see the smiles when you guess right (or wrong LOL). 🙂

5. Barbies

Girls Playing Barbies - games for girls who love fashion and dress up fun! www.kidslovedressup.comThis remains one of the best dressing up games for girls who love fashion, I think. Good old Barbie! Changing outfits for various “occasions” or “events” in Barbie’s life, dressing her in beautiful gowns just because it’s fun to make her look lovely… playing Barbies is just plain old great for girls.


6. Drawing or Coloring Paper Doll outfits

This one may be perfect for an older girl who loves fashion. Once she gets the hang of the paper doll model shape, the sky is the limit as to the outfits she can design! You can also buy paper doll books with premade punch-out outfits, or ones where you color the clothes first. Either way, it’s a first step towards becoming a clothing designer, in some ways.

7. Dress Up Reusable Sticker Pad

Want the fun of dress up but less of the mess? The Melissa and Doug Dress Up Reusable Sticker Pad is exactly what you're looking for!Here’s a good quiet time activity for girls who love fashion! Check out this review of the Melissa & Doug Dress Up Reusable Sticker Pad for more on it. A very inexpensive idea that can get HOURS of play time! (Good gift idea, by the way!)

8. Dress Up Chunky Puzzles

Playing Princess Dress Up Puzzles - www.kidslovedressup.comYet another quiet time idea – this one for young girls who love dressing up games. This dressing up game does NOT require your help in dressing her in and out of the gowns… it’s a puzzle board dress up game. Check out the Melissa & Doug Princess Dress Up Chunky Puzzle page for more details!


9. Tea with the Queen

Situation games are also perfect for girls who love fashion… and love dressing up. Why not help them set up a pretend scenario where they have been invited to tea with the Queen. They MUST look fabulous. They MUST act like perfect ladies. And they must figure out their outfits themselves. You can even play along and set up a fun tea party for them when they have dressed up in their fashionable finery. 😉

10. Going To The Ball

Dressing Up Games for GirlsSort of along the same lines as above, if girls love dressing up as Princesses, they’ll probably love playing “Going To A Royal Ball”. They can dress up in their Princess Gowns, they can dance the night (morning?) away to some lovely music, and they can do a few costume changes along the way. After all, why showcase only one fabulous dress?




11. Build Me A Wardrobe (with Magazines/Flyers)

Dressing up games for girls who love fashion aren’t only with dress up clothes – they can be focused on crafts too. Like the paper dolls or reusable stickers activities mentioned above, your girls can have a lot of fun with fashion and clothes/costumes in other ways too. I remember my mom giving me magazines and flyers and a pair of scissors and having me come up with a wardrobe. I’d have to page through and pick out great outfits, selecting a good mix of bottoms, tops, dresses, play clothes, event clothes, etc. It was a lot of fun!

12. Wedding

Playing BrideAnd of course, your little girl can play wedding. I’m just guessing, but I doubt there are many girls who have NOT played wedding after going to one. The lovely bride (and wedding party) they see definitely sparks some creativity! Don’t forget to get some pics of your little bride – they’ll be pretty cute to look back on one day in the future when perhaps she IS a bride!



And there you have it! 12 dressing up games for girls who love fashion. It’s my hope that a few of them will have given you some ideas to get your little fashionistas playing dress up and having a great time!

Here are a few more Dress Up Games for Girls, and Dress Up Games and Activities! I invite you to check them out!

First though, I’d love it if you shared your ideas with me if you have some! What dress up games and activities do your girls love to play?

12 thoughts on “12 Fun Dressing Up Games for Girls Who Love Fashion

  1. Dan November 22, 2016 at 12:17 am

    Awww I love keeping up with your website! My wife and I are trying for kids and She will DEFINITELY play dressup with barbies if we have a girl. I think having a little fashion show would be so much fun for any little girl!

    • Marlaine November 22, 2016 at 2:15 pm

      Thanks Dan! Little girls are pretty fabulous. Wishing you receive your heart’s desire!

  2. Gerard November 22, 2016 at 12:45 am

    A great article! It reminded me of my eldest daughter when she was still young.Her poor brother was the subject of her Dressing up games as she did not have a sister to do it to! Thank you for the read.

    • Marlaine November 22, 2016 at 2:14 pm

      Sounds like my house right now LOL. My daughter loves to get my son dressed up. Thankfully he doesn’t put up much fuss, but grabs his Tiger Costume and gets right in there. Makes MY life easier when they play nicely! 😉
      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Beth Terrell December 2, 2016 at 6:34 pm

    What a wonderful list of creative games for any child who loves fashion. I love the way they encourage the children to use their imaginations.

    #6, drawing and coloring paper doll outfits is one of my favorites. For an older child, a lightbox can make it easier to create tailor-made clothing for the doll.

    • Marlaine December 2, 2016 at 9:17 pm

      I would have never thought of using a lightbox for drawing paper doll outfits! That’s a brilliant idea – thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. sophie64 December 7, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    Wow, this is interesting. My twins girls will love this list games because they drawing a lot. This games can help Children to develop a great skill about design. I will share your website to other people that I knew. Thank you, keep up the good work.


    • Marlaine December 8, 2016 at 1:33 pm

      Thanks Sophie! You can do so many fun things with fashion! Dress up play with clothing is a great activity, but dress up FUN and creative design sure don’t have to end there!

  5. Kayla July 21, 2017 at 2:45 am

    How have I not come across this site before now? It’s totally awesome!
    I have 4 kiddos…my oldest three are all boys, so I’m definitely browsing the boy dress up clothes next!
    My little girl is only 16 months old. She’s into shoes, but not dress up clothes just yet. But now I know what to stock up for when she’s older, lol!
    Girls are so different from boys. I’m glad I have some direction now! 🙂
    Thanks for THIS!

    • Marlaine July 22, 2017 at 2:49 pm

      Welcome,  Kayla! So glad you dropped by and have been having fun browsing around!  I’ve had fun with this topic too!

      Some people think dress up fun is “just for girls” – my brothers, my nephews, my old students, and now my son definitely prove that wrong! It’s just about finding the right costumes for boys to play with! There are some awesome adventure themed boys dress up clothes, superhero stuff, character costumes, career type outfits… all can be TONS of fun for little boys! And playing dress up is SO GOOD for them!

      I appreciate your taking the time to drop me a comment! Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Zahid April 23, 2019 at 4:45 am

    What a nice collection, i really love your blog, and also bookmark it for feature games information.

    • Marlaine May 18, 2019 at 7:40 pm

      Thanks Zahid! Any favorite game ideas?

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